Sunday, September 7, 2008

Has it truly only been one week???

Emmy - Little girls, big rocks.
I simply couldn't get enough of the kids!
Alli and Emily,on top of the world.
The playground for the school, the highest point of the village
You can't see it in this picture, but we poured the concrete for the bathroom on the left.

Filipe. (No idea how to spell that.)
Hauling rocks for underneath the bathroom floor.

The view from the roof of my school.
Jackie and Emily
One of many flocks of sheep... always tended by a traditionally dressed shepherd or shepherdess.
Just too precious.

La Festival de Santa Rosa- downtown Cusco.

My room! Already a little messy, but becoming home. A courtyard separates me from the rest of the house.
A typical Cusquenan street.

Same festival.


Kami said...

Hey Nikki! Wonderful pictures! The kids are so cute. It looks like you have some good space to yourself. What a great experience this is going to be for you.

Jacque said...

Amazing! The kids are so cute. So I finally made it to the beggining and it was well worth it. Thanks so much for granting me a peak into your amazing life!