Sunday, November 2, 2008


I feel like it has been a long time since I have written!
So here I am. 
The time here is just flying by; a fact that is made more and more evident as December approaches. Only five weeks left. As Halloween, presidential elections, and Thanksgiving all approach and fly by, I am reminded of how amazing it really is that I am here. I couldn´t imagine, even in the three months before I left, that I would watch these days pass from Peru. Though I dreamed of it, there were at the time a few too many harsh realities in the way for me to really envision myself here, learning and seeing all that I have. How unexpected, miraculous, and just all together awe-inspiring is this God we serve!
About a month or so into my visit here, I had the privilege of finding and attending an Alliance church here in Cusco. It took forever, and I tried many wonderful churches before I actually found this one, but it was well worth it. For some reason, seeing the familiar Christian and Missionary Alliance symbol, and hearing in another language all the Bible verses, admonitions, praise songs, and encouragement that I am so accustomed to in the U.S. served as the perfect antecdote to getting rid of whatever homesickness had lingered until that second month. It was incredible. (Especially once I could understand what they were saying.)The first time I walked in, I came in late (deliberately, I admit - in Peru a church that is supposed to start at 10:00 actually starts at 10:30 at the earliest), and was expecting to slip into the back row as quietly as possible. But this was not to be. I came in during meet and greet, and caused the stir of a lifetime in that little church. I was greeted with the traditional kiss and hug by every single person between the door and the rows of chairs, with no exceptions. They would not (and still will not let me) sit by myself, especially in the back - no, I was led by the hand up to the very from row and give a seat next to the pastor´s wife. Aside from the fact that I was slightly taken aback and felt self-conscious by this demonstration, I was also blown away by their hospitality. Now, a month after that, they still show me similar hospitality each time I come through the door, an occurance that never fails to humble me.

And then today, I took communion with them.
I don´t know how long it´s been since I had that privilege, what with the irregularity of fire season before I even left for Peru. This communion was a huge blessing to me, just because I thought it was awesome how I could take communion with a body of believers here in Peru, in a different language, different culture... God´s love knows no cultural boundaries. It´s pretty cool. And to think that I am probably taking it at the same time that everyone back home is taking it, on the first Sunday of November, excites me!

I pray that this November will be a blessing to each and every one of you; that as the holidays approach you will be overwhelmed with everything God is doing in your lives. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, and drop me a line when you get the chance! 

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